New Location and Dates Coming Soon!

Hands-On Women’s RetreatSerenity Fusion Retreat: For Women's Wellness
Yoga, Ayurveda, and Alexander Technique
Revitalize Your Spirit
presented by
Carol P. Prentice


“Living the life you envisioned, embracing each day anew is a powerful way to live.”

Real Life. Real Tools.

Welcome to the Hands-On Retreats for Women, a transformative experience centered around self-discovery, rejuvenation, and connecting with like-minded individuals in a serene and picturesque setting. Immerse yourself as you embark on a journey to rediscover a healthier and more vibrant life through the power of Breath-Centered Yoga, Ayurveda, and the Alexander Technique.

Life is a constant evolution, and the past couple of years have brought about significant changes for us all. From global shifts to personal transformations, navigating these changes has been an essential aspect of our journey. Our ability to gracefully adapt, nurture ourselves, and foster positive change is of utmost importance.

This unique retreat is designed to guide you on a path of self-care, inner strength, and overall well-being. In embracing this captivating environment, you can explore the timeless wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda, and the Alexander Technique. These disciplines offer profound tools for revitalizing your mind, body, and spirit.

As we step away from past challenges and rediscover new beginnings, this retreat focuses on empowering you to cultivate self-care practices that bolster your immune system and enhance your overall health. Discover the personalized nourishment your body craves, harmonize your mind amidst life’s demands, and reconnect with your true essence—the inner sanctuary of peace that resides within.

Over the course of this rejuvenating 4-day experience, you’ll embark on a journey of unlearning old habits and patterns that no longer serve you. Through this process; you’ll embrace fresh insights and skills that ground you in your daily life, fostering physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Emerging from a period of isolation, this retreat provides a safe space for you to transition back into your routine with newfound strength, vitality, and optimism.

I extend a heartfelt invitation to temporarily step away from your daily responsibilities and immerse yourself in the teachings of Breath-Centered Yoga, Ayurveda, and the Alexander Technique. Embrace this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, wellness, and transformation in the company of kindred spirits.

The three disciplines, Breath-Centered Yoga, Ayurveda, and the Alexander Technique – provide a time-tested answer to the challenges we face today.

Life just gets easier!
Come and enjoy the beauty and magic that happens when women gather together!

What You Will Experience:

  • A magical & beautiful oasis
  • Learn transformative techniques and practices in all three interactive healing modalities: Yoga, Ayurveda, and Alexander Technique.
  • Make the most of the intimate setting by receiving personal attention and time with highly qualified teacher.
  • Connect with like-minded women.
  • Delicious, healthy, and healing meals are cooked especially for the Retreat. Plus, receive healthy recipes for your constitution.
  • A beautiful opening and closing ceremony that creates a container and builds on a sense of community.

“I have a very busy work…this workshop taught me how I can incorporate a 30 minute daily practice into my morning with asana, breath and meditation that really changes how I act and react in my life. Thank you!”
~ Mary P., Tampa FL.

The Retreat consists of:

  • Daily breath-centered yoga classes
  • Private Alexander Technique lesson
  • Daily small group classes in postural re-education
  • Afternoon presentation on Ayurveda and its practical application to strengthening your immune system, nourishing your body, and maintaining your vital energy.
  • Food as Medicine ~ how to create a diet that supports your body.
  • Ayurvedic recipes for your body type.
  • Working with the 5 sense therapies ~ what ones are right for you!
  • Powerful meditation practices that destress the nervous system.
  • Discover the power of breathwork (pranayama) ~ and how it can balance your whole system.
  • An evening discussion of ways to bring self-care practices into everyday living.
  • A visit to the Tulum Ruins ~ A Day of exploration
  • A visit to a local Cenote
  • An evening of fun and celebration! Good food, sharing, and a closing ceremony to remember.

“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships”
~ T.K.V. Desikachar

Key benefits you will take home:

  • Better Posture and Balance
  • A nourishing Yoga & Ayurveda practice to use every day
  • Ways to create ‘space’ in your life
  • Reduced tension and pain
  • What foods & spices are right for you
  • Cooking Ayurvedic/Healthy food with recipes
  • Meditation practice
  • Key ‘tools’ to manage stress & keep you on the path to wholeness
  • Healing Sensory modalities that are right for you
“When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
~Ayurvedic Proverb

Set aside time to do this important inner work:

As women, it is important to take time and retreat to a place of quiet and beauty. To reflect. To discover that wise, eternal aspect of yourself and connect more deeply with your true nature as Spirit. Join me and allow your story to unfold…

3 Powerful paths coming together to create the results designed personally for you

This retreat offers an immersion into daily yoga and Ayurveda practices that will support health and well-being and give you a clear understanding of the Alexander Technique. You will learn to think with your body in such a way that allows less tension as you move…whether you are walking, working at your computer, driving a car, participating in sports, or practicing yoga.

“These three disciplines have profoundly changed my life and have taught me how to live happily in the present moment.”
~Carol Prentice

Take home the tools, techniques, and training you need to help keep you balanced.

Our workshop is designed for your individual level

  • Beginner level: Build a practical foundation in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Alexander Technique.
  • More Experienced: Deepen your understanding of these three disciplines.
  • Yoga/Ayurveda/Alexander Teachers or Trainees: Enjoy learning and deepening your own training with more experienced teachers.
Info & Registration

This is just what I need!Sign me up now!


Carol Prentice has been a leading expert in the Mind/Body field for over 38 years. She created Hands-On Retreats in 2011, and has taught in Hawaii, Ojai, Italy and is excited to be going to Tulum.She believes that given the right tools, you can heal and transform your own life. Having overcome chronic back pain, depression, and major digestive issues, she knows how powerful these three disciplines can positively affect your life. Carol has also dealt with divorce, raising her two daughters as a single mom, the death of her parents, menopause, and how age changes one’s perspective on life. She is passionate about helping women find their inner voice and create a path to health, grace, and living a life of optimal health and joy. Carol graduated from Alexander Training Institute in San Francisco under the direction of Frank Ottiwell in 1986; she furthered her studies with first-generation Alexander Teachers Marjorie Barstow, Walter & Dilys Carrington, and Marjory Barlow. Carol is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Pancha Karma Specialist (Ayurveda Body Therapies), and a graduate of the California College of Ayurveda, where she was the Director of their Internship Programs for eight years. Carol has been a student of yoga since the early ’80s, but it wasn’t until she met Mr. TKV Desikachar in 2009 that she experienced the true healing side of yoga. She graduated from the Healing Yoga Foundation in S.F., a 500-hour teacher training program in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya. She did a 100-hour Foundations of Yoga Therapy with Optimal State Yoga. As Ayurveda and Yoga are the sister sciences to each other, Carol, along with her Alexander training, has developed a hands-on approach to working with these three systems of learning to help empower people in their own process of healing.

Carol is also a certified End-of-Life Consultant and End-of-Life Doula. She believes that it is just as important to have a life Well Lived as it is to have a Death Well Planned. She is passionate about helping people get their End-of-Life affairs in order by having their Advance Directives, Health Care Proxy, and a Living Well Plan. She also believes that no one should die alone. To learn more, go to:  She can also be found at

Info & Registration

Carol Prentice805-798-3929 | [email protected]


Tuition Rates

Hands-On Women’s Retreat currently looking for a new venue


To confirm your space and room, a $500 deposit is due upon registration.More information to come.

Early Bird Rate Late Registration

(after October 12th)


Discounts offered:

Bring a friend and receive $100 off your full base fee.

Feel free to call Carol Prentice if you have any questions!

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations before Oct.12th (the last day), we will refund all of your payments except the deposit. For cancellations between Oct. 12 and Dec. 10th, THERE IS NO REFUND; however, we will credit any payments over the deposit to our next Hands-On Retreats workshop in 2025. For cancellation after Dec. 1, there is NO REFUND AND NO CREDIT; however, retreat fees may be transferred to another person.

Join me! We look forward to seeing you!